Exam Prep

Our COURSE Features

  • In-person instruction.
  • Experienced and dedicated faculty, teaching their respective content areas.
  • Small class sizes.
  • Mini practice sections to measure student progress.
  • Universal testing strategies.
  • Personalized feedback from instructors.
  • 16 hours of instruction, held over 4 days.
  • SAT content review.
  • Preparing for the new Digital SAT
Course Information:  Detailed class information will be communicated approximately 5-7 business days prior to the first day of class.

Registration Fee

$350 per student (Fee includes textbook, supplementary materials, full-length released SAT test, and detailed score report.)

Refund Policy: Thank you for investing in your success with Collegiate Test Prep. Because materials are purchased for each student upon enrollment, we are not able to provide refunds.

Cell Phone Policy: We want all students to be fully engaged in their test prep course. To encourage full immersion, we ask that students limit cell phone use during class. Students are welcome to use their cell phones on breaks, but phones should be tucked away for the duration of learning.
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Course Sessions

Spring Weekend Session
Saturdays and Sundays
April 20 , 21, 27, 28
Central Campus
Registration now CLOSED
April 27 , May 4, 11, 18
Merancas Campus
Summer Weekday
Monday - Thursday
August 5 , 6, 7, 8
Levine Campus
About the SAT
theThe SAT is a nationally administered standardized test used by most colleges, in conjunction with GPA, transcripts and recommendations, to determine admittance. Not all schools require the SAT, but most do. The test is more focused on the skills and knowledge at the heart of education. It measures what you learn in high school and what you need to succeed in college.

Offered seven times per year in the US, the redesigned SAT has two tests. The two tests that everyone will take are (1) the Reading and Writing Test, (2) the Math Test.

The SAT has 98 questions. These consist of multiple choice and free response questions. The Math portion now allows calculators to be used throughout the entire section. The SAT takes approximately 2 hours (not including breaks). 

Still have questions?  Check out our FAQ page.

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